With Christmas just around the corner, our residents welcomed some new friends into Fairmile Grange to start the festive celebrations. 21 Cubs from the 3rd Jumpers Scouts Christchurch group kindly visited us this week and recited a fantastic version of the poem, The Night Before Christmas.
The Cubs also showed us their arts and crafts skills, by helping us make a pear tree which they later used as a prop for their performance of the Christmas classic, The Twelve Days of Christmas.
Not only are arts and crafts activities popular among children, but they are also extremely popular with our residents who like to make things for themselves and their loved ones. Projects like this are a great form of therapy as residents use their memories, imagination and coordination skills.
Kim Butters, wellbeing manager of Fairmile Grange, is extremely passionate about the positive impact arts and crafts have on our residents, which is why we recently opened a new craft shop. Residents now have access to lots of equipment and materials which they can use whenever they want to relax and get creative.
Thank you to the Cubs for visiting and letting us help make their pear tree. The Christmas poems and songs they performed were thoroughly enjoyed by all of us and the Cubs definitely deserve a round of santa-plause! We look forward to seeing them again soon.