Palliative and
end of life care

Palliative and end of life care

Our palliative and end of life care offers compassionate and sensitive support for those who are in the last months or years of life.

If you, or your loved one, has an illness that cannot be cured, palliative care helps manage the pain and other distressing symptoms.

It enables us to help you, or your loved one, to live as comfortably as is possible so that you, or your loved one, is afforded an uncompromising level of respect and dignity when you pass away.

Holistic Approach

When creating a palliative care plan that is personalised specifically for you or your loved one, we work closely with you to ensure that your wishes and preferences are taken into account.

Our holistic approach goes beyond physical support to include the provision of psychological, social and spiritual comfort for the resident and their family.

Planning for end of life

Planning for end of life care, sometimes called advance care planning, is no less important than planning for future care, and makes sense regardless of whether someone is ill or not.

If you, or your loved one, has a terminal illness, there can be much comfort and reassurance in talking about your wishes for how you, or your loved one, are taken care of in the final months of life.

It’s also worth considering that some degenerative conditions can make communication difficult later, when you can no longer discuss your feelings and make decisions about your future.

Specialists in end of life care

In order to ensure that our residents receive the utmost respect and dignity, we have care teams who are specially trained to provide end of life care. Our End of Life Care Leads are always on hand to deliver the highest standard of care for those in the final months of their lives.

Things to consider when thinking about you, or your loved one’s end of life:

  • Advance statement – Sets out your preferences, wishes, beliefs and values for future care. More Information
  • Advance decision to refuse treatment – Advises your healthcare team of your wishes if you are unable to communicate them in the future. More Information
  • Making a Will – Allows you to decide what happens to your money, property and possessions after your death. More Information
  • Lasting power of attorney – You can officially appoint someone you trust to make decisions for you when you are not able to. More Information

Fairmile Grange ensures the following aspects of end of life care are always delivered:

Physical care:
  • All cultural and religious preferences are observed and assisted
  • Ensure resident is always comfortable
  • Nutritional meals provided and advice adhered to from a qualified nutritionist
  • Regular refreshing drinks and mouth swabs
  • Pain management plan for every terminally ill resident
  • Care staff trained and supervised in palliative care processes
Holistic care
  • Privacy and dignity maintained at all times
  • Resident’s wishes respected
  • Staff work in partnership with relatives and friends
  • All cultural and religious preferences are observed and assisted
  • Support offered to both relatives and staff who had a close relationship with the deceased
  • Vacant rooms offered to families staying overnight with loved ones in their final days at no cost
  • Care staff receive supervision and emotional support to help them provide a high standard of care
  • The resident is not isolated from interacting with other residents unless it is their wish to be alone

Other care we offer

“All the staff were always friendly and caring”

“All the staff were always friendly and caring and did their best in looking after my mother treating her with compassion, respect and dignity.”

Brian, Son of Resident

Encore Testimonials

Brian, Son of Resident

“All the staff were always friendly and caring and did their best in looking after my mother treating her with compassion, respect and dignity.”
Encore Testimonials

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